Botox & Nuceiva 101

What are Botox & Nuceiva?
Botox & Nuceiva are neuromodulators used to treat or prevent fine lines and wrinkles by inhibiting or softening muscle movements.  They may also be recommended to treat non-cosmetic conditions, including excessive sweating or migraines. 

Botox and Nuceiva do not add volume to an area like its sister treatment, Dermal Filler, but rather work to prevent targeted muscles from moving and contracting, thus smoothing and preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Botox and Nuceiva have three main treatment areas: between the brows (frown lines), forehead lines & crows feet.

What Can I Expect During a Botox or Nuceiva Treatment at Nu Image?
Most patients describe Botox or Nuceiva treatments as quick and comfortable. Prior to your treatment, your Cosmetic Injector will start by discussing your ideal outcome and assessing your musculature to identify the correct dosage and placement of Botox for you. Next, they will cleanse the treatment site and begin treatment. During a Botox or Nuceiva treatment, your Cosmetic Injector will deposit a chemical called onobotulinumtoxinA precisely into targeted muscles. Our skilled practitioners ensure that their patients’ results are natural-looking and suit their specific preferences. 

What Can I Expect After my Botox or Nuceiva Treatment?
Temporary swelling and minimal redness may occur directly post-treatment, this will dissipate within a couple of hours. You will begin to see the effects of your Botox treatment within the next seven days.
How Long do Results from Botox or Nuceiva Last?
Botox typically lasts 120-140 days, however how long Botox lasts varies from person to person. People often book their next appointment in 3 1/2 to 4 months.

What’s the Difference Between Botox & Nuceiva?
The answer, not much! Both wrinkle treatments are neuromodulators. The generic name for Botox is Onabotulinum toxin A. The generic name for Nuceiva is Prabotulinum toxin A. See the similarity? Many medications have slight modifications that change their name, but in essence, they are very much the same and it comes down to the brand name. Think Kleenex VS Puffs.

Bottom line - both work in a very similar way to decrease the appearance of dynamic lines and wrinkles giving a more youthful appearance.
How Can I Book a Treatment at Nu Image?
We’re ready when you are! You can book your initial consultation with a member of our team to review your full treatment plan via our website using the link below or by calling us at 306-790-8500.