Acne scarring is a umbrella term to describe the different types of scars that can be left behind after a breakout heals. Scars can form from acne due to inflammation and damage to the underlying tissues. Typically acne scarring can be classified in two ways, textural (bumps or divots) and color (red or brown marks) irregularities. It is not uncommon for individuals with acne scarring to have both textural and color irregularities in the skin. Acne scarring is often treated using a multi-therapy approach, this means that different treatments are used in conjunction with each other to address a variety of concerns.

It is important to first treat any active acne breakouts before entering into treatment for the acne scarring, this will allow you to maintain your results once you’ve completed your acne scarring treatments. Luckily, acne can be managed through a variety of treatment options. Book a consultation to have a personalized treatment plan developed for you.

When to Consider Treatment

  • Your scarring affects your self-esteem and your confidence.

  • You have a family history of acne and acne scarring.

  • You want to control your breakouts and avoid additional scarring.