The Submentum is the area found under your chin. Submental fat, is the fat that grows in this region, causing causing what is commonly referred to as a double chin. Fullness under the chin is a common concern among men and women and can be difficult to reduce even with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Submental fat is caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, the aging process, and weight gain. Submental fat can be particularly challenging for many individuals because it can retain fat cells even if the rest of the body is lean and in good shape.

Submental fat can be treated in a safe, non-invasive injectable treatment called Belkyra. Belkyra provides permanent results.

When to Consider Treatment

  • You are bothered by fat under your chin and would like a permanent treatment option to reduce it.

  • You would like to pursue a non-surgical option for fat reduction in this area.