You DEW You: The Ins & Outs of Peels

In need of a fresh start? Well, look no further, Nu Image has exactly what you’ve been looking for and so much more! Did you know that acne, fine lines and wrinkles, and damaged skin can be treated in multiple ways? You always have options! Don’t get us wrong we love a good skincare routine, in fact, having a personalized skincare routine composed of medical-grade products is crucial to your skin’s overall health and clarity. Many skin concerns like acne, acne scarring, signs of aging and damage can also be successfully treated by utilizing both medical-grade skincare and medical esthetic treatments.

When you’re dealing with pesky skin concerns like what we’ve listed above it can become defeating when you’ve tried every product and every DIY under the sun (please stop DIYing your skincare, we beg you 🙏). The end to your frustration may begin with a peel. Peeling is a tried and true skincare treatment performed by highly educated medical estheticians. The basic function of peeling is to remove dead and damaged skin cells by refreshing the surface layer of your skin. Enter your fresh start.

The two types of peels to achieve refreshed skin include both chemical peels and laser peels. Both of these treatments are extremely popular and administered on a daily basis. Medical grade chemical peels are a safe and effective cosmetic procedure used to deeply exfoliate and treat the skin. 

Chemical peels are used to improve active acne as well as sun-damaged, unevenly pigmented and aging skin. Chemical peels vary in ingredient composition as well as penetration depths. A peel will be chosen for you based on your skin concerns and type. Depth of a chemical peel varies from superficial to deeper which is meant to treat scarring. Deep peels penetrate all the way to the bottom layer of your skin and stimulate your natural healing processes. Superficial-medium peels speed up your natural exfoliation processes which means your skin turns over and renews more quickly. This results in clearer, more even skin in both texture and pigmentation as well as brighter and tighter skin. Talk about a quadruple threat! 

Downtime for a chemical peel can last for up to 10 days, depending on the depth of the peel. After your treatment, your skin will start to renew and essentially “peel”, hence the name of the treatment. This is actually so satisfying, but we’ll be honest it’s not the most flattering. So keep that in mind when scheduling your treatment. If you struggle with stubborn acne, acne scarring or are simply looking to refresh your skin's appearance this is the treatment for you! Chemical peels are safe and effective for all skin types.

Laser peels are another incredible treatment option to achieve youthful and even complexion. Laser Peels use rapid pulses of high intensity light and heat to remove the damaged upper layers of your skin. This results in the smoothing, tightening, reduction of wrinkles and correction of pigmentation and scarring problems you may be experiencing. Thin layers of surface level skin are affected, stimulating the skin's natural healing response and boosting collagen production. Similar to chemical peels, laser peels can be performed at different depths and depend on your skin type and concerns.

The main difference between a chemical peel and a laser peel is the way it is administered. Chemical peels use skin-safe medical-grade chemicals to exfoliate dead and damaged skin whereas laser peels use high intensity light and heat to fully remove a layer of the skin without the after process of peeling. An added skin benefit to laser peeling is that this process stimulates collagen production. Collagen is what keeps skin tight, youthful and plump! It is naturally occurring in our skin cells but as we age and as skin becomes damaged we lose collagen and slow the process of its production (SPF people!). Results of a laser peel include smoothing, tightening, evening pigmentation and reducing fine lines and wrinkles (Hooray 🙌). If you experience hyperpigmentation or premature wrinkling (smile lines and crow's feet, etc.) this is the treatment for you!

As you can see, both chemical peels and laser peels have many overlapping benefits (#skincaregoals). Now that we know the basics of what each peel can do in terms of skincare benefits, which peel is right for you? We’re glad you asked because it’s not always straight forward. Chemical peels are best for addressing acne related concerns and maintaining skins glow, laser peels might be a better option for those seeking a collagen BOOST or reducing hyperpigmentation. Both treatment options ultimately provide a clearer and more refreshed complexion that skincare products alone just can't match. Laser peels are performed by medical estheticians who are incredibly knowledgeable in their trade and will work with you to develop a treatment plan that best suits you!

If you’re looking for a fresh start or you’re simply just interested in maintaining your skin's health and clarity, you've come to the right place! More information on peel treatments can be found in our website’s “treatments” tab as well as booking options for consultation as the first step on this new venture.