A Beginners Guide to Dermal Fillers

We know that the world of dermal fillers can be a bit daunting, but chances are if you are reading this article they’ve already peaked your interest in some way or another! At Nu Image, we want you to be as comfortable as you can before, during and after your treatment, and this includes ensuring you’re fully informed and know how the treatment works and what to expect! Read on to learn more about how dermal fillers work, the different types of dermal fillers, and what to expect during your first treatment.
How do dermal fillers work?

Dermal fillers are designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, create volume and contour the face, and revitalize the skin with non-animal hyaluronic acid (HA) as the active ingredient. Hyaluronic acid is naturally-occurring in the body and works to lubricate and provide structure in between our joints, eyes, and skin. When present in the skin, hyaluronic acid attracts water, hydrating the skin and offering a plump appearance. 

Collagen, on the other hand, is a protein that provides structural support to our skin, and as we age, the production of this protein slows - resulting in the loss of volume. 

Dermal fillers work to restore this lost volume to the face to plump sagging skin, fill in wrinkles, and restore rejuvenation to the cheeks and lips to achieve a youthful and refreshed look!  

What are the different types of fillers? 

Depending on your goals and the area of the face you’d like to treat, your injector may use different types of dermal fillers. Here we are going to break down the type of fillers used for each area of the face!

Lip Filler

Lip injections are one of the most popular treatments at Nu Image! We use hyaluronic acid based fillers for lip enhancements. 

A thinner, more viscous filler provides a plump and natural looking result, and a more structured filler can be used for a bigger statement pout!  Both of these products have been designed to give your lips a soft and natural look and feel. 

In the lips, hyaluronic-acid based fillers last about six months, but this can change depending on your metabolism and age.

Under Eye Filler

Under eye correction utilizes an HA-based filler to improve the appearance of dark circles and hollows in the under the eye area by correcting volume deficits. 

At Nu Image, we use a specialized filler called Redensity II for under eye corrections. Redensity II is a non-crosslinked HA-based injectable filler that is specifically designed for use in the eye area. Redensity II contains 14 essential nutrients that help to strengthen and brighten the skin in the under eyes. 

Most people who perceive dark circles have a natural hollowness under their eyes. Because the area above the depression is raised, a shadow is cast, making the hollowed area appear very dark. We inject Redensity II right into that hollowed area. Once it’s filled, the dark circles can be dramatically improved.

Under eye filler lasts anywhere from 9 months to a year.

Chin & Jaw Line Filler

We know chin and jaw line filler may not sound as exciting as lip filler or under-eye filler, but trust us, the result can make a significant impact on your facial balance! Optimizing the chin helps to create definition in the lower third of the face to improve facial harmony for those who have a recessed chin, meaning that your chin sits further back than would be ideal for your facial features. 

For women in particular, elongating the chin can help to achieve an overall more feminine look (please note, there are very different injection techniques for male and female chin augmentations, be sure to check with your injector to ensure that they have experience treating this area for your gender in particular).

Chin augmentation is performed using HA based dermal fillers that are specifically designed for use in the chin and jawline, and results last 12-18 months on average.

After Care & Swelling 

To ensure you’re comfortable during your filler treatment, we use a numbing agent called Lidocaine and apply that 20 minutes before your treatment. We will also send you home with an ice-pack and detailed after-care instructions so you know exactly what to expect. 

For lips, swelling, bruising and small bumps post treatment are completely normal! As your filler integrates, swelling and bruising will go away and any bumps will smooth out. Arnica can help to reduce bruising if you happen to have any! 

Ask Questions! 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions at your appointment! Our cosmetic injectors are prepared to answer any questions you may have prior to your treatment. We want to make sure you’re feeling comfortable and informed. No question is a dumb question! 

Want to know more about dermal filler and if it’s the right option for you? Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our skilled injectors. We’d love to see you!